Children’s Dentistry.

The health of your child’s teeth is key to their health and development and is also key to determining the health of their adult teeth throughout their life.

At Dental Art we believe it is important to encourage your children to visit the dentist from an early age. This enables them to get used to visiting, so that as an adult they have not built up any negative feelings towards dental visits.

That’s why we make your family appointments as positive and fun as possible. We know that your children will be inquisitive, so we take extra time to answer their questions and encourage them. We take the time and care to acclimatise them to the dentist and any treatment they may need.

All Children Welcome

We enjoy treating children and understand how important it is to get children comfortable in the dental chair.


We spend time introducing them to the dental environment in a gentle, fun and positive way and take our time getting them used to any dental treatment they may need.

Free Fluoride Application

From the age of 3 years old we do regular fluoride applications to reduce the risk of decay by 50% in children.


We believe prevention is better than cure and aim to prevent decay and gum disease from a young age. If your child does require dental treatment we aim to complete this in a fun and positive way. We also can provide options for treatment under inhalation SEDATION (follow the link for more information) if required. .

Emergency Care

We can help with any child dental emergencies.

Tooth Brushing Education

One of our dentists will spend time showing and encouraging good oral hygiene habits from a young age.

Invisalign for Children

We offer the premium option for straightening your children’s teeth.

Your Childs Oral Health is of the upmost importance to us, call our friendly team to book a consultation.

Let’s get started!
Book an appointment online right now !