Anti-Snoring Devices.




Anti-Snoring Devices


From £995


2 Appointments


Not only does snoring cause sleep deprivation to you and those around you, but it can lead to daytime drowsiness, irritability and lack of focus. Effective sleep keeps your immune system strong, lowers stress and keeps you motivated with higher energy. A poor quality of sleep due to snoring can affect your relationships, as well as your own happiness.

Specially made dental appliances called mandibular advancement splints, which advance the lower jaw slightly and thereby pull the tongue forward, are the most common mode of treatment for snoring. Such appliances have been proven to be effective in reducing snoring and sleep apnoea in cases where the apnoea is mild to moderate.


  • During sleep, the lower jaw and tongue can fall back, reducing the size of the airway in the throat. The throat muscles also relax during sleep, reducing efficiency at maintaining an open airway. As the air passes through this narrowed airway, the soft tissues vibrate and causes the noise of snoring.

    Increasing numbers of studies into snoring across the world are highlighting the prevalence of snoring in the population. These studies indicate that at least 30% of adults snore, so you’re not alone and here at Dental Art we can help.

  • Specially made dental appliances called mandibular advancement splints, which advance the lower jaw slightly and thereby pull the tongue forward, are the most common mode of treatment for snoring. Such appliances have been proven to be effective in reducing snoring and sleep apnoea in cases where the apnoea is mild to moderate.

    Here at Dental Art we tend to use the SOMNOWELL and BITE-SOFT range of anti-snore devices.

  • The Somnowell appliance is designed to gently hold the lower jaw and tongue foreward and in the 'recovery position' whilst you sleep, thereby keeping your airway open. This simple and effective treatment option has become the world's most popular solution for snoring.

    It is the only snoring appliance made from a medical super alloy, incorporating exacting measurement standards and the highest level of expertise. Follow up studies of patients treated with the Somnowell Chrome reported a success rate of 91%.

    The technology and medical expertise that go into creating each unique Somnowell Chrome deliver a treatment that is both highly effective and tailor-made for a perfect fit.

If you are a snorer or suffer from sleep apnoea call our friendly team. Our dentists will do their best to offer you the best solution to help you sleep better, and enjoy life more!

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