

A dental bridge is one of the many solutions we at Dental Art provide to replace teeth. Our dentists are skilled at designing and developing beautiful, functional bridges that look just like your own teeth! We focus on the little details, ensuring that every restoration is well matched both functionally and aesthetically, allowing you to eat and smile with confidence!


  • If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge can fill the gap with one or more artificial (false) teeth.

    Bridges are secured by crowns or wings on neighbouring teeth. They remain above the gum line, and the force they endure is dispersed along the bridge and its supporting teeth.

    Bridges are especially efficient if the surrounding teeth need crowns as the entire bridge and crown restoration will enable strength and function to return to the teeth.

  • When you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, it can affect you in a number of ways. A dental bridge can address those changes, including:

    • restoring your smile and confidence

    • restoring the ability to properly chew

    • restoring your speech and pronunciation

    • maintaining the shape of your face

    • re-adjusting your bite to properly distribute the force when you chew

    • preventing your remaining teeth from moving out of the correct position

  • Our dentists will advise which tooth replacement options are suited to you and your mouth.

    These can include :

    • Accepting and leaving the gap from the missing tooth/teeth

    • Partial denture (Cobalt-Chrome or Acrylic denture)

    • A dental bridge (as discussed above)

    • Implants

  • There are four Main Types of Dental Bridges:

    • Traditional dental bridge - A traditional dental bridge consists of a false tooth or teeth being held in place by dental crowns that have been cemented onto each of the teeth next to the space.

    • Cantilever dental bridge - Like a traditional bridge, the false tooth is only cemented onto one tooth next to the gap, this is good for single tooth replacements.

    • Maryland dental bridge - Maryland bridges use one or two natural teeth for support. However, while traditional/cantilever bridges use dental crowns on the support teeth, a Maryland bridge uses a wing made of either metal or zirconia that is bonded onto the backs of these support teeth.

    • Implant-supported dental bridge - Implant supported bridges use dental implants instead of teeth to support the false teeth. More missing teeth can be replaced this way, with no damage to your natural dentition as part of the process. Considered the strongest and most stable system, an implant-supported bridge commonly requires a few more steps than tooth supported bridges.

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