CEREC Same Day Teeth.


In today’s busy world, few of us have the time to visit the dentist for multiple appointments, in order to receive dental treatment. At Dental Art we are able to replace missing teeth and restore damaged teeth in just a single appointment.

As a Key Opinion Leader in CEREC CAD CAM digital technology Dr George Yannoulias and his team are committed to providing the best possible solutions to patients’ needs. To do this we have invested in using our new state-of-the-art Cerec Primescanner and Milling machines. These allow our dentists to design and create high-quality crowns, veneers or onlays … all while you wait!


  • Rather than wait as long as 2 weeks for your new crown, you can walk into Dental Art and walk out with your new CEREC crown - on the same day!

    Our talented dentists will use computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) to capture digital images of your tooth and jaw, design a crown, and then create that crown for installation — all right here in our practice.

    • Same-day treatment – The entire crown process can be completed in just a single 3-hour appointment at Dental Art, saving you time.

    • No need for numbing the area twice!

    • No need for impressions with dental putty – Dental putty can make some people gag, and it can be very uncomfortable. CEREC uses a handheld 3D scanner, rather than putty-based impressions.

    • Requires no temporary crown – There’s no need to wear a temporary crown, which provides you with more comfort and convenience.

    • Restorations that are natural-looking, compatible with the tissues in your mouth, and are anti-abrasive and plaque-resistant.

    1. We prepare your tooth in the normal way.

    2. A specialised 3D camera is then used to take an 3D scan of your mouth and teeth.

    3. The image is then uploaded to our specialist CAD/CAM unit.

    4. Your dentist will design your bespoke new restoration.

    5. Once approved we then create the new restoration by milling it from a block of high-quality ceramic, that best matches the shade of your surrounding teeth.

    6. We then stain and glaze the restoration and cure it in our furnace.

    7. The restoration is then ready to be fixed into place.


Call our friendly reception team to book a consultation with one of our dentists

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