Dental Implants.




Dental Implants


Implant screw £1300 and Implant Crown £1700


Typically 3-6 Months


Dr George Yannoulias is a highly qualified Implantologist, offering dental implant solutions to replace your missing teeth with exceedingly natural aesthetics and robust foundations.

Losing a tooth can pose issues visually and functionally for you, but with advanced implant dentistry, you can regain your confidence and oral health. Dental implants repair your ability to chew and speak, because they are surgically fixed into the jaw bone and function just like real teeth!

Our dental implants:

  • Support ideal bone density

  • Stabilize other natural teeth

  • Look perfectly natural

  • Support natural chewing function

  • Let you smile with pride on any occasion


  • Dental implants consist of two parts.

    Abutment: The abutment is a screw-shaped titanium piece that is designed to replace the root that you would find on a healthy tooth. The abutment is precisely screwed into the jaw bone using a surgical guide and allowed some time to integrate with the surrounding bone.

    Dental crown: An implant crown is the same as any other dental crown that would usually cover a damaged or broken tooth. However, in this case, it is fitted to the new titanium abutment screw.

    When both pieces are secured, this forms what is known as a dental implant and is a permanent fixture used to replace your missing tooth or teeth.

  • When you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, it can affect you in a number of ways. A dental implant can address those changes, including:

    • restoring your smile and confidence

    • restoring the ability to properly chew

    • restoring your speech and pronunciation

    • maintaining the shape of your face

    • re-adjusting your bite to properly distribute the force when you chew

    • preventing your remaining teeth from moving out of the correct position

  • The procedure will be carried out under local anaesthetic, and we will make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

    Post-treatment, over-the-counter painkillers, are usually more than enough to help while the initial healing process takes place.

  • As dental implants are porcelain, they will potentially last longer than your remaining healthy teeth. As with your natural teeth, the more you take care of them, the longer they will last. So treat them as you would your teeth, and they will last a lifetime.

  • There is no minimum or maximum age. However, we do not advise those under the age of 21 to have implants, as their jaw and bone tissues are still not fully developed.

    Similarly, although there is no maximum age, the factor that will limit your ability to have a dental implant will be the condition of your gums and jawbone.

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