


  • Dentures are prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth and are designed to look like natural teeth and gums.

    Our team are skilled at creating highly realistic and fit-for purpose dentures, which are designed carefully to replace your missing teeth.

  • When you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, it can affect you in several ways. A denture can address those changes, including:

    • Restoring your smile and confidence

    • Restoring the ability to properly chew

    • Restoring your speech and pronunciation

    • Maintaining the shape of your face

    • Re-adjusting your bite to properly distribute the force when you chew

    • Preventing your remaining teeth from moving out of the correct position

  • There are three types of dentures - Complete, Partial and Overdentures.

    • COMPLETE dentures are used when all the teeth are missing to replace the full upper or lower jaw, or both, and fit over the existing gum or jaw.

    • PARTIAL dentures are used for partial replacement of the teeth and are made to fit between the existing teeth, usually using clips to hold them in place.

    • OVER dentures utilise attachments which hold the dentures down; these attachments are often placed in the tooth roots or in implants.

    • ACRYLIC DENTURES – Acrylic dentures consist of the denture teeth attached to an acrylic plate, we can add clips to help retain and stabilise the denture.

    • COBALT CHROME DENTURES – Cobalt Chrome dentures have a metal base plate or framework that sits on and around the natural teeth onto which denture teeth are attached by acrylic. These are usually more precise and we can incorporate a number of features to improve the fit, retention and stability of the denture.

    • FLEXIBLE/VALPLAST DENTURES – Valplast dentures are flexible dentures which have a natural look, feel and fit. There is no need for metal claps as this type of denture clings to the tissues in your mouth effectively. They are often much smaller and more discreet and are can be used to replace a couple of teeth in the form of a removable bridge.

  • It is normal for it to take a little while to get used to your new dentures. At first it can take some time getting used to eating and speaking with them, however, the more you wear them and the more you practice the easier it will be and more natural they will feel.

    Sometimes there can be sore spots in the mouth as you get used to your new teeth, let your dentist know and we can make adjustments to ensure they are fully comfortable.

    Dentures should be removed before you go to bed so your gums can have a rest, but they must be cleaned and brushed and stored in water or denture fluid as they could lose their shape if allowed to dry out.

    Remember to keep your gums and any remaining teeth clean and you will also need to attend regular check-ups so your dentist can keep an eye on your oral health.

  • Our dentists will advise which tooth replacement options are suited to you and your mouth.

    These can include :

    • Accepting and leaving the gap from the missing tooth/teeth

    • Partial denture (Cobalt-Chrome or Acrylic denture or Valplast as discussed above)

    • A bridge

    • Implants



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